The Best Juicy Turkey Tenderloin in 20 Minutes!

If you’re tired of eating chicken every night and you’re ready to switch it up, you have to try this recipe for the best juicy turkey tenderloin I’ve ever made! Whether you need something different for dinner, or you’re getting ready for the holidays, this is a great easy dish to make at home, without all the prep required of a larger turkey. 

If you don’t eat a lot of turkey, there are so many reasons to try adding it into your diet. Turkey is an excellent source of B12, which is a vitamin that can improve your sleep and cognitive function. Turkey also has a high tryptophan content, which can support healthy levels of serotonin and the body and help keep you alert and in a good mood. Besides this, turkey can help boost your metabolism and support a good immune system. There are so many great reasons to try it! 

If you’d like to try adding turkey into your meal rotation, keep reading to learn how I make a delicious, juicy turkey tenderloin that cooks in just 20 minutes. 

Step One: Coat your turkey in a fat. Today, I’m recommending duck fat. I order mine online, but if you don’t have any, regularly oil works just fine, too. Once your turkey is coated, you can season with a little bit of salt and pepper, to taste. 

Step Two: To cook your turkey, start in a cold pan. Put a little of your fat in the pan, then place your turkey in the pan on medium heat. You can also add some extra seasoning here if you’d like. 

Step Three: Cook for seven minutes on one side, then flip to cook for another five minutes. When your turkey looks done, turn off the heat and let it sit in the warm pan for a bit before taking out. 

Tip: Because we’re cooking poultry, I always recommend verifying to make sure your turkey is cooked all the way through. You can also use a food thermometer if you don’t want to cut your tenderloin open. 

Serving Suggestions

One of my favorite things about turkey tenderloin is the many different ways you can serve it. If you prefer a more traditional route, you can season your turkey with rosemary and some gravy, but I prefer some of the seasoning sauces from Stonewall Kitchen. They are a delicious way to elevate this dish a bit. I recommend the Habanero Mango Aioli or the Buffalo Aioli. They both go great with turkey! 

If you’re not sure which side dishes to use, I recommend cranberry sauce, which is always a classic with turkey. You can also check out our easy side dish recipes, like this one, No Sugar Cranberry Sauce, which goes great with this dish. 

If you liked this recipe, let us know how it turned out in your home kitchen! Leave a comment below or like our video/channel so we can continue bringing you healthy cooking content from The Kitchen Hack. 

Amy PriceThanksgiving, Turkey, Holiday