Quick and Easy Best Avocado Toast

Today we’re going to talk about one of my favorites—Prosciutto Bacon Avocado Toast. 

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There’s a thousand ways to make a good avocado toast and it’s really a popular breakfast food that’s taken off in the last few years. If you love a good avocado toast like I do, this mouthwatering recipe will really show you how to take your favorite basic breakfast staple and elevate it to the next level. 

This is seriously the best avocado toast you will ever eat—guaranteed! 

Let’s get started. 

Ingredient list: 

  • Already Made Prosciutto Bacon 

  • Avocado 

  • Lemon (or lime) juice

  • Olive oil

  • Salt and pepper

  • Toast

  • Eggs

Step One:

The first step to this recipe is preparing your avocado. If you’ve never cut up an avocado before, this is a great task to learn to enjoy avocado on your own, at home. First, you’ll need to take a knife and slice around your avocado. Then, twist the avocado and it will split wide open. You’ll see a large pit in the middle, which you can remove with your knife. While the avocado is still in the peel, go ahead and slice the inside of it. Once this is done, you should be able to scoop out the avocado with a spoon, separating it from the skin—it should slide right out. 

Step Two:

Once your avocado is sliced and diced, it’s time to prep it. I like to put the avocado in a bowl, add a little bit of fresh lemon juice to taste, and add salt and pepper. I also like to add a little bit of olive oil in there before I mash it up with my spoon. I like mine chunky, but you can mash yours up to be as creamy as you want. Then, we’re going to put that to the side for a minute while we work on our bread. 

Step Three: 

For avocado toast, I like to take a slice of fresh bread, and lather some olive oil on that. We’re going to toast that in the pan as crispy as you’d like it. 

Step Four: 

Once the bread is done, it’s time to fry the eggs. You can do this any way you like, but I like mine over easy. 

Step Five: 

Last, but not least, it’s time to put everything together. Apply your avocado on top of the toast, then take a couple of pieces of the bacon into your hand and let it crumble into flakes. Once that’s together, go ahead and lay your egg on top of it all and top everything off with some salt and pepper. If you have other toppings you like, such as diced tomatoes, you can add those on, too. 

If you liked this quick and easy Best Avocado Toast recipe, check out my YouTube channel to like and subscribe or take a minute and leave us a comment about what toppings you like on your avocado toast at home.