Three Step Hard-Boiled Eggs in Your Air Fryer

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There’s nothing better than perfectly cooked hard-boiled eggs, but they aren’t always the easiest to make. If you’re anything like me, it’s easy to get distracted and forget about them, meaning overcooked eggs—or even worse—exploding eggs all over your kitchen. On the flip side (see what I did there?), it’s just as easy to watch your water like a hawk and take them off too early, leaving you with an inedible mush and gooey yolks. 

If you struggle to make the ideal hard-boiled egg, but you’re always craving them, you have to try out this hack I discovered for picture-perfect hard-boiled eggs—in your air fryer! 

If you’ve watched my other YouTube videos, you know just how much I love my air fryer and how much I love experimenting with it. I heard about this hack from a friend and decided to try it for myself. I was shocked with how incredible the eggs turned out!

Forget boiling water, accidentally burning yourself, wasting time and eggs, or dealing with overcooked or undercooked messes. Let me teach you how to get a perfect hard-boiled egg every time. 

Ingredients: Eggs

Step One: 

Take your desired number of eggs out of the fridge. Unlike with boiling eggs, you don’t need to overestimate as these aren’t going to crack against your pot, since we’re putting them in the air fryer. You can make as little as one or two at a time, if you like. 

Step Two: 

Take your eggs over to the air fryer and set them carefully on the air fryer rack. 

A quick tip here: Check your eggs for cracks before you put them in, since a cracked egg cooking is sure to cause a mess.

Step Three: 

Set the air fryer to twelve minutes at 250 degrees and let them cook. Once they’re done, let them sit in the fryer for an additional five minutes before taking them out. Usually I take them out and let them sit on my kitchen counter for a few minutes until you can comfortably hold them without burning yourself. 

When you’re ready to peel your eggs, try peeling them under cold water to easily rinse the shell off. Once they’re peeled, enjoy your perfectly cooked hard-boiled egg—no water, no mess, and delicious results. 

The next time you’re in the mood for hard-boiled eggs and if you’ve got an air-fryer, I recommend trying this recipe. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

Amy PriceAir Fryer, Eggs