How to Make the Best Air-Fried Avocado Fries


There are some foods that just taste better with a side of fries. There’s nothing like a delicious homemade burger, straight off the grill with a side of French Fries. Sometimes, if you’re craving some salty crispy goodness, there’s nothing else that will do. But, if you’re looking for a good healthy option that’s delicious, packed with nutrients, and satisfies that same crispy salty craving, this recipe is for you. 

In this kitchen hack, I’ll teach you how to make keto-friendly, amazing fried avocados right at home in your air fryer. This recipe is easy, quick, and best of all—there’s no oil mess! 

While there’s nothing wrong with potatoes, avocados are a super-food and they’re much better for overall heart health. The fruit is saturated in great heart-healthy fats that are scientifically linked to cardiovascular health and lowering overall cholesterol. If that wasn’t a great enough reason to try this recipe, avocados are also a great source of fiber and they are keto-friendly, which makes it the perfect option to adding into any diet. 

This recipe is super simple and delicious, and I’m excited to share it with you. 

Let’s get started. 


  • Firm, barely ripe, Avocados (they fry better!)

  • Olive oil

  • Salt and pepper (or your favorite seasoning)

Step One: 

The first step to making great avocado fries it to cut your avocados! Start by slicing around the outside of the avocado, rotating as you cut. Then twist it open and remove the pit with your knife. Make sure that your avocados are on the firmer side, as they tend to fry better. Now normally, I like to slice my avocados while still in the skin. But, for this recipe, we’re going to want to remove the whole avocado half from the skin first, since it’s firm, then slice them into your fries. You’ll want to keep them a little thick since they’ll shrink about 30% when they’re air fried. 

Step Two:

Once my avocados are ready, I like to grab a big aluminum bowl and pour in some olive oil and salt to toss the avocados in. If you want to add in any extra seasonings, this is when you’d want to do that as well. Be sure to mix your seasonings gently as you don’t want to break down the avocado. 

Step Three: 

Before we stick these babies in the air fryer, I like to put the baking sheet over some aluminum foil—they are coated in olive oil, which means that they’ll drip a little bit. If you don’t want a mess while you’re walking over to the fryer, this is definitely a great option for easy clean up. 

When you’re ready, go ahead and put the baking sheet into your air fryer at 450 degrees for about fifteen minutes. Your air fryer might take a little more or a little less, so just be sure to pay attention to make sure your fries don’t burn. 

Step Four: 

While my avocado fries are cooking, I like to take out my favorite side sauces. There are a few that really compliment the fries well. Some of my favorites are buffalo sauce, ketchup, honey mustard, and even hot sauce. I like to mix my hot sauce with yogurt to make a perfect dip that goes great with my fries. 

Once your fries are done, you can take them out and they’re ready to eat! Serve as a side to your favorite low-carb meal, or you can eat them on their own, too! 

Avocados are a great alternative to potatoes in texture and flavor and they certainly have more health benefits that your body will thank you for! If you tried these out, take a minute and leave a comment on what seasonings or sauces you like to enjoy your avocado fries with.

Amy PriceAir Fryer, Avocados